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Try to avoid stretches. 32 Comments [Eugene Volokh, July 13, 2005 at 3:47pm] 0 Trackbacks / Possibly More Trackbacks Suicide Bombers as Cowards: This trope is coming up again, yet it still lpc seems to me quite mistaken. Suicide bombers are murderers, but there seems to me little logical reason (as opposed to the emotional gratification of insulting someone evil) to call them cowards. The obvious point, of course, is that cowardice usually consists of fear lpc of death or lpc injury; the suicide bombers pretty clearly embrace their own deaths. (I set aside suicide bombers who are forced or tricked into being suicide bombers, for whom the analysis may be different.) Now it's true that attacking defenseless people is often seen as cowardice, but that's precisely because most attacks on defenseless people — as opposed to attacks on well-armed people — pose little immediate risk of death or injury for the attacker. Attacking defenseless people with a suicide bomb doesn't share that characteristic.