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The argument would be, therefore, that the effect of a balanced-budget amendment would be to reduce milf hunter veronica expenditures on pork more than expenditures on public goods. My sense of this argument for a balanced-budget amendment is that it too seems theoretically milf hunter veronica sound, but that the enforcement problems with a balanced-budget amendments, and the need for exceptions, would probably render it unenforceable in milf hunter veronica practice. In particular, it seems that any such BBA would probably put most entitlement spending off-budget, so it would not constrain exactly that which it would be intended to constrain in theory. Which is why I think the idea has fallen out of favor--in addition, of course, to changes in the political winds in Washington that no longer see it as, um, "necessary". Update: Professor Larry White notes in the Comments that he and Roger Garrison wrote a more extended discussion of this issue in the late-1990s in The Free Market, "Do Deficits Matter?"