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The Modern Function and Framework of Fourth Amendment DoctrineVI. The Future of the Fourth AmendmentBibliography 2 Comments [Orin Kerr, July 14, 2005 nippon at 1:16pm] 0 Trackbacks / Possibly More Trackbacks The London Attacks and CCTV: The horrendous terrorist attacks in London last weeek will have many long-term effects, and one of them with interesting implications for civil liberties in the United States is nippon the role of closed-circuit TV cameras, or CCTV. As U.S. readers may recall from Jeffrey Rosen's October 2001 essay in the New York Times Sunday nippon Magazine, Britain has invested heavily in a comprehensive CCTV network as an anti-terrorism strategy. Most of what I know about Britain's CCTV network I know from Rosen's piece, but my understanding is that one of the key purposes of the system is help the authorities identify terrorists and expose their network in the event of an attack. I have conflicting views about the overall merits of this kind of approach.