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Sweet Jane Productions, Inc. (on behalf of International WOW Company) New York, NY $15,000 To support the development and production mother boy sex of a new theater work entitled Death of Nations. Guest artists from Argentina, Japan, and Thailand will collaborate with the company ensemble in the development and presentation of the play. Synchronicity Performance Group, Inc. Atlanta, GA $8,000 To support the creation, development, and production of a theater work through the Women in War project. The project will be lead by Artistic Directors Rachel May, Hope Mirlis, and Michele Pearce, and mother boy sex filmmaker Carol Cassidy will assist in the research and mother boy sex development of the piece. Syracuse Stage (S.U. Theatre Corporation) Syracuse, NY $25,000 To support a production of Tazewell Thompson's Constant Star, a play with music about the life of African American civil rights activist Ida B. Wells. The play will be performed in special high school matinees, accompanied by teacher workshops and classroom study materials.
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