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Piven Theatre Workshop Evanston, IL $8,000 To support the Chicago premiere of Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl. A retelling of the classic Greek myth, this version gives the story of Orpheus and Eurydice from the female perspective. Playwrights Foundation, Inc. San Francisco, CA $10,000 To support the 27th Annual Bay Area Playwrights Festival. The festival is a series of staged nude older women readings of new work by vanguard nude older women regional and national writers. Playwrights Horizons, Inc. New York, NY nude older women $50,000 To support a series of new work development programs and two studio productions during the 2004 05 season. Approximately 1,500 new play and musical submissions will be evaluated, resulting in up to 20 play readings and musical theater workshops, three commissions, and two productions.
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