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Penumbra Theatre Company, Inc. St. Paul, MN $35,000 To support the development and production of On the Open Road motor by Steven Tesich. The play will be directed by artistic director Lou Bellamy with original music by composer William Banfield. Perishable Theatre Providence, RI $15,000 To support the International Women's Playwright Festival. The festival will include the development and production of three one-act motor plays by female writers. Perseverance Theatre, motor Inc. Douglas, AK $30,000 To support the development and production of The Cannery Project, a new musical by Chay Yew, and the statewide tour of Bridget Carpenter's Up (The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair). Artistic director Peter DuBois will direct both plays and oversee The Cannery Project's collaboration between the playwright and composer Fabian Obispo. Pig Iron Theatre Company Philadelphia, PA $12,000 To support the creation and premiere of Possessed, a new performance work inspired by Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz's novel.
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