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Mixed Blood Theatre Company Minneapolis, MN $25,000 To support schedules the presentation of two plays and the adaptation of a novel for future theater production. The project will support the work of female authors. Mum Puppettheatre, Ltd. Philadelphia, PA $12,000 To support the creation, development, and production of a play based on Friedrich Durrenmatt's theater work Der Besuch schedules der Alten Dame (The Visit). The production will employ traditional puppet styles mixed with visual images schedules and a sound collage to adapt the play for American audiences. Neo-Futurists Chicago, IL $8,000 To support the creation, development, and production of Evidence by Artistic Director Greg Allen. Playwright-musician John Pierson will compose the play's score. New 42nd Street, Inc. New York, NY $35,000 To support the presentation of theater works by four international theater companies at the New Victory Theater.
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