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But considering that the MSM keeps repeating this story, invective and occasionally forgets to mention that she ALREADY met with Bush, its not like you don't have a voice. Its that we really aren't invective even pretending to listen to you anymore. You've (the left, not you in particular) have annoyed us into ignoring you. "Is this where we, meaning all Americans, want to be? Toeing the property line, getting shotgun shells loaded, staring and not talking to one another?" When invective was the last time you seriously listened to a member of the right? Your post, this one here, proves that you didn't read through any of my posts. Either that, or I imply force merely through the power of my words. -John by ChicagoJohn on Mon Aug 15, 2005 at 02:03:00 AM PDT [ Parent ] The not listening (none / 0) I would appear to be the only other person in the room willing to address you as a person.