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Yourself?  Still angry over the 2000 election? "A full and accurate rendition of the comments of hateful Republicans who cannot abide a woman who speaks truth to power," Yawn! Cindy being a woman has nothing to do with christian bauman her being a nut.  If you (the left) really believed that the powerful should be held to account for one woman, you wouldn't have been so silly about Paula Jones. >> Cindy can call christian bauman GWB a liar who started a christian bauman war for oil, and she thinks that fine.<<< "I'm not sure if she singles out oil." She does write it in her writings.  She also talks about how we don't "know the full truth" about 9/11 yet. She is a nut. "Cindy's focus is on the fact that Bush lied to get his war, which is a pretty broad consensus these days."
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