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Kevin Carr, 7M PICTURES   "[Carell] makes the most of his chance at the spotlight, and has increased the possibility of his becoming a household name with an effectively funny comedy."-- Jeffrey Chen, WINDOW TO THE MOVIES   "The 40-Year-Old Virgin is possibly the best comedy of the year"-- Robin milf hunter julie Clifford, REELING REVIEWS   "A thoroughly adult comedy that, refreshingly, isn't toned down for the PG-13 brigade."-- Rich Cline, SHADOWS ON THE WALL   "While it trawls the depths of bad taste, it also maintains at its core something humane and universally identifiable milf hunter julie (even if it is corny) that puts milf hunter julie it in the special league of films that are at once nasty and nice."-- Tim Cogshell, BOXOFFICE MAGAZINE   "A surprisingly funny, if disposable, movie."-- Jeffrey M. Anderson, COMBUSTIBLE CELLULOID   "Even Keener transcends her famous ball-busting screen persona and registers real warmth."--
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