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A bunch of men. Oh. Right. Screens, tastefully, after the jump. [MORE] (6 comments) Off to GDC READ MORE: Nintendo, conference, event, gdc, keynote, microsoft, sony I’m leaving tonight for San Jose, meetings, meals and keynotes. My bag is packed with my swank new ultraportable, cell, DS, Micro and PSP. Technically I probably won’t be getting into my hotel room until Tuesday. I’ll canada be there through Thursday night and looking at my schedule, it doesn’t look like I’m going to have much free time on my hands. canada I’ll make canada sure to live blog as many keynotes as possible. Of course, I’ll also be updating the site throughout the day. Stay tuned for all of the breaking news, excited speeches and interesting conversations. (comment on this post) Video Game Theater Exposes Pac-Man’s Pill-Popping Life READ MORE: Arcade, Humor, Q-Bert, pac-man, retro, video Courtesy of our Gawker brethren over at Screenhead, we discovered the Video Game Theater, a Meet-the-Feebles-like exposé of the sleazy inside world of our most cherished video game characters.
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