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Seriously. SEX WITH A mature movies tgp MULE!!!! Oh wait, that was before he found Christ. Now, according to Bush's plan for abstinence, it's simply fellatio with a sin no foul....or is that fowl????? Posted by: Keg at May 6, 2005 mature movies tgp 02:18 PM Anyone see that Gene Wilder movie where he leaves his wife for the SHEEP and they get caught in bed and the sheep is wearing a 'nightie' . . Hey mature movies tgp girls, men, we can't live with them and we can't live without them (who said that anyway, probably a man) ROF!! Posted by: Liz PbD at May 6, 2005 02:19 PM Although I suppose a strict constructionalist could include mule dating in the persuit of happiness. Posted by: Wes at May 6, 2005 02:20 PM Keg, Hey, I may have grown up on a farm, but my animals definitely weren't my girlfriends! (Or boyfriends, for that matter!) I don't know what this guy's excuse is, but growing up on a farm definitely isn't it!!!