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in Northern China; means "cool", "awesome" in Taiwan. cao (肏/操) (肏 pronounced "tsaau" and 操 pronounced "tsou") Chinese (Taiwanese) also known as Minnanese: gan, (used more by native speakers of Taiwanese, it occurs in the expression "Gan lin nia!" which means, "Fuck your mature movies com mother!" or "Gan lin tzo gon!" which means "Fuck your ancestors") Catalan: follar, cardar, fotre Cebuano: iyot Croatian: jebati; fukati mature movies com (probably borrowed from English); karati (literally, to scold) Czech: píchat (literally "to thrust", used as a slang word for "to copulate"); mature movies com šukat, šoustat, mrdat (all three vulgar, to have sex with, to fuck); kurva! (vulgar, literally "bitch", used as an expletive) Danish: kneppe or knalde like the Norwegian word. Pule is known but rarely used.
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