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While George Carlin's use of the word is an important part of his stage persona, other comedians (such as Andrew Dice Clay) have been accused of substituting vulgarity and offensiveness for genuine creativity through overuse of the word. Billy Connolly and Lenny Bruce were pioneers of the use of jessica the word in their shows for general audiences.Usage in Politics Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau caused a minor scandal when opposition MPs stated he had told them to "fuck off" in the House of Commons jessica in February 1971. Pressed by journalists, Trudeau later unconvincingly stated he may jessica have said (or mouthed) "'fuddle duddle' or something like that"http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-73-571-2955-20/that_was_then/politics_economy/trudeau_fuddle_duddle,
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