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Senate class photo, Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont had a personal exchange that garnered headlines in the United States. After comments by Leahy, Cheney allegedly told him to "...go fuck himself", which was later characterized as "a frank exchange of views." In response, Leahy said that Cheney "was just having a bad day." Others have pointed mom fucking son to this incident and the events that led up to it as evidence of a culture mom fucking son of extreme partisanship that has developed in Washington. Senate rules prohibit profanity while the Senate is in session, but Cheney mom fucking son did not violate the rules because the Senate was not in session at the time.Most United States broadcasters replace fuck (and other so-called four-letter words) on broadcast television and radio with a beep "at times of day when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience", or have the word silenced out, or a reverse of the sound of the word when the word in question is used.Following
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