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Poets should send 15 pages of poetry; fiction and nonfiction writers should send 10 to 30 pages and, if the submission is an excerpt, a one-page synopsis. The deadline is November 1. Call or write for an application and complete guidelines. West Virginia Commission on the Arts, Arts and Humanities Section, West Virginia Division of Culture and History, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305-0300. (304) 558-0220. Lakin Cook, Director. WESTERN STATES Bear Star Press Poetry Book mother boy sex Award $500 and 50 copies for a book of poems by a woman mother boy sex residing in the Western States (within Mountain and Pacific mother boy sex time zones) who has not published a book-length manuscript. Those who have published a chapbook are eligible. Jane Mead will judge. The Bear Star Press was established in 1996. Submit 30 to 50 pages of poetry of any style or subject with a $12 reading fee.
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