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(907) 269-6610. Shannon Planchon, Grants Administrator. CALIFORNIA, NEVADA San Francisco Foundation Awards schedules The San Francisco Foundation schedules has announced its 1997 literary award winners. Mike Padilla of San Francisco won the $2,000 Joseph Henry Jackson Award for his short story collection Hard Language. The award is given annually to the author of an unpublished work-in-progress of poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. Applicants must be 20 to 35 years old and residents of northern California or Nevada for three years prior to schedules the deadline. Rebekah Edwards of Berkeley won the $2,000 James D. Phelan Award for her poetry collection Sacred Anatomy. The award is given annually to an unpublished work-in-progress of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or drama. Applicants must be 20 to 35 years old and born in California. Lisa Michaels of San Francisco won the $1,000 Special Award in Nonfiction for her memoir All Together Now: A Family Memoir.
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