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We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Mon Aug 15, 2005 at 07:57:42 AM PDT [ Parent ]  What, exactly, do you think is going on in Iraq? (none / 0) gallery listings "You, however, appear to be talking gallery listings more to a GOP cartoon of what a Democrat is, as to me." I'll try to be more specific gallery listings next time and say "the left" instead of "you." If  you do own a gun, then you know it is the left who has consistently tried to narrow the 2nd amendment. "However, I do think that registrations and background checks are a very good idea. We do it with cars, and they are statistically much more dangerous and useful in a far wider variety of crimes than guns ever will be." Its nice to see that someone has done their homework on this issue.
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