We're all Helens now. directors asian

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We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Mon Aug 15, 2005 at 11:48:10 AM PDT [ Parent ]  The troops hate Bush? Then is Cindy lying now? (none / 0) "The approval asian of military and their families Oh, I think the stop-loss and backdoor draft policies of the Bush administration have done significant damage to whatever Republican bias the asian military ever had." Which do you think is wrong... you or Cindy? "CS: I have lost almost every friend that I asian had before Casey died. My husband and I are separated, because he doesn't support my activities, although he knows the war is a lie. DS: Is it because your community is mostly Republican or they support the war or what exactly in your opinion? Have any of them explained why they feel this way about your role and if so, what do they say? CS: We live near an Air Force base and our economy depends on war.
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