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Jack Webb comics by John Saleeby When he created the elite police unit of "Dragnet," comics Jack Webb laid the first blow against the scourge of America: Hippies! David Alan Grier by John Saleeby The thinking man of Def Jam. Dave Thomas by John Saleeby Wendy's Dave Thomas was all about Biggie Fries, Frosties and love. Spike Milligan by John Saleeby Read up on the life of the British comedy scribe. Toshiro Mifune comics by Wil Forbis The Japanese actor who slashed his way through a thousand samurai movies. Nina Hagen by Wil Forbis The Wagnerian Banshee who created the blueprint for punk/funk/opera. Doris Wishman by Wil Forbis The prolific adult film maker, whose work includes the classic Chesty Morgan movies, is probed and prodded. Bob and Tommy Stinson by John Saleeby Get to know the real talents of eighties punk sensations, The Replacements. Joan and John Cusack by Wil Forbis and Pete Moss A thought provoking summation of the Cusack sibling's careers.
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