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It just might work. Millions of kids all over America would have been sitting around reading Ignatius Comics instead of listening to The Beatles and turning into dope fiends, America would have won the Vietnam War, and I'd be fucking Jill Hennessy while my wife Katie Couric was at work momfucking son paying the bills. Man, did Toole let us down or did he momfucking son let us down? But Toole couldn't do stand up in the Quarter because his Mother would not have approved of it anymore than Ignatius' Mother momfucking son approved of him pushing a hot dog cart around the Quarter. And there is the sad fantasy "A Confederacy Of Dunces" was for the poor schmuck who wrote it - Ignatius may have been a total loser but one thing he can do that Toole never could is stand up to his Mother. Mrs. Reilly is a Harpie Monster Nag and, by all accounts, based entirely on the reality of Mrs. Toole. Where Ignatius blows any chance of making something of himself by refusing to listen to his Mother,  for Toole there was only one way and that was Mom's Way.
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