____ When two consenting lesbian mother daughters incest forum

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____ When two consenting incest forum adults engage in sex, that is one thing. It is an equal relationship. When a person forces their sexual urges onto an animal, which is not an incest forum equal and can not consent, it is ABUSE. That is the difference. Posted by: NightLad at incest forum May 25, 2005 04:59 PM These statements by this person are disgusting and embarassing to me as a conservative. I'm sure you liberals feel my pain, you have people on your side that spout off similarly. I happily jump right on them when that happens, so I guess we have to accept it when it comes our way too. However, I hope no one takes his comments about farmers seriously. I also grew up on a farm in the Deep South, and never ever heard of or knew anybody to ever have sex with an animal of any kind. The closest thing that I ever heard of was a guy I knew in college that said that he had sex with a tree once when he was drunk.
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