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In an interview locked behind the members-only section of Nintendo Europe, he reveals that his new game will use the microphone and network capabilities of the DS, but little beyond that. Seaman Creator Crafting DS Game (3 comments) Justice League for the PSP, woman seeking sex Xbox, PS2 READ MORE: PSP, Playstation, woman seeking sex Xbox, batman, justice league, superman, woman seeking sex zatanna You may have heard that there’s a Justice League video game in the works. We’ve just discovered that the game will be called Justice League Heroes and will be available for the Playstation 2, Xbox, and PSP. The most exciting news, however, is that you’ll be able to play as Zatanna! Finally! The gaming world has been begging for a chance to play a woman in a top hat and fishnet stockings who casts spells by talking backwards. Pleading! Gamers have been dreaming of slipping into Zatanna’s corset for decades!
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