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It's kind of shortsighted to blame the gaming industry for things like the Columbine chicktrick killings. Then again, I guess the weapon lobby's still kind of omnipresent enough in Washington to ensure the blame always gets laid on the easier victim... us? 5.00 CroQ $ 2005-11-03 06:23:00 Anthony Zembla wrote: If a person has difficulties distinguishing reality from his every-day gaming world he'd better see a psychiatrist anyway. I 2nd that 4515.00 CroQ $ 2005-11-16 12:21:22 Jay 5_year_old wrote: That being the case, chicktrick though, there is plenty of violence in the world without video games. Taking away video games, or making it harder to access that entertainment, WILL NOT solve the problem. I would have to say that both sides of the argument are wrong. Than consider games being prostitutes... there is plenty of sex in the world... still there seem to be a lot of girls willing to open their legs for the right amount of money... what is the positive effect about this whole thing...