Last Wednesday's Final Jeopardy! old grannies sex milfnow

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Last Wednesday's Final Jeopardy! category was "People in Government." The clue was (and this is milfnow verbatim): Now in his job over 17 years, he's the longest-serving pres. appointee other than Supreme Court members (Alex Trebek read "pres." as "presidential.") To milfnow see the "correct" response, which one contestant successfully provided, click below: (show) Alan Greenspan (hide) Unfortunately, this is milfnow gravely incorrect. Of course the President appoints all federal judges, not just Supreme Court Justices. A quick search turned up 138 sitting federal judges (not including Supreme Court members) who were appointed more than 17 years ago. My questions (to which I don't know the answers) are as follows: Who is the longest-serving currently sitting federal judge? Can we be confident that this person is the longest-serving presidential appointee?
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