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Bomber" Revisited.--Scotland Yard Investigates Whether child molestation 4 Suicide Bombers Died in the London Attacks.--Londoners are child molestation Buying bikes to get to work.--"Homicide Bomber":Were the London attacks suicide bombings?-- [Jim Lindgren, July 12, 2005 at 1:57pm] 0 Trackbacks / Possibly More Trackbacks Scotland Yard Investigates Whether 4 Suicide Bombers Died in the London Attacks.-- Scotland Yard held a news conference today revealing some details suggesting that the London bombings might have been done by 4 suicide child molestation bombers. Indeed, besides the probable suicide bomber on the bus (who has been tentatively identified), documents with the names of two of his friends were found on the trains, which at least suggests that they did not survive. The Guardian reports: Police are investigating whether four attackers died in last week's London subway and bus bombings and have arrested one suspect after a series of raids Tuesday in Leeds, a northern city with a strong Muslim community.
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