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19, 2006, Contra Costa Times | Submitted by adminWritten By Sam StantonArticle OverviewSuch flaws in California's program for sexually violent offenders were under full scrutiny at the state Capitol, where Democrats and Republicans scrambled to introduce bills to make immediate changes in the system -- and questions lingered about whether they could reach bipartisan consensus. Read milf hunter jessica Article | Discuss Article [ milf hunter jessica Be the first to discuss this article.] Sex offenders often disappear after release February milf hunter jessica 19, 2006, MontereyHerald.com | Submitted by adminWritten By Sam Stanton and Mareva BrownArticle OverviewCalifornia officials, who have no funding or authority to track the sexually violent predators who have been freed, have no idea where some of them have gone. Over the past two years, state Department of Mental Health officials have attempted to locate the men -- to learn how many have re-offended -- by contacting prosecutors in California's 58 counties.
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