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According to local news reports, akt Jesse's maternal grandmother, Paula McVey, fought back tears as she told jurors how much she and her remaining grandchildren missed Jesse. McVey testified that Jesse's little brother and sister, Chad and Renea Kidd, had been very close to their older brother. She said that Chad, then 9 years old, frequently cried out, "I want my brother!" and that Renea, 8, had become extremely dependent upon her remaining brother and broke akt into tears when separated from him for any length akt of time. Chad wrote a statement to the court saying that he missed drawing and playing football, baseball, soccer and basketball with Jesse. "I'm mad," wrote Chad. "I want to hurt someone. I feel like there is a very big hole in me." Chad added that he hoped Brown and Carpenter would get the death penalty. Tina Yates wrote that Jesse loved to read and play football for his school's team and that he liked camping, fishing and hunting with his siblings and going to movies with his grandmother.