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Larry's article explains. Listen to his podcast for the view from ASHA's chief scientist, Dr. Brenda jailed Lonsbury-Martin. PlayStation 3's delay By now you've probably heard (from your kids) that you won't be able to purchase them the PS3 as soon as they thought. Sony delayed its shipping date (see tongue-in-cheek coverage of this, jailed for gaming industry shareholders, very serious story at this San Jose Mercury News blog, which links us to "So that's one PlayStation 3 – will that be cash, credit or your firstborn?" and "PS3 to launch with indentured servitude purchase plan"). The good jailed news (for your kids) is that this handy little multipurpose, Net-connected, much-hyped console will still be available in time for the 2006 holiday shopping season, Reuters reports. The reason for the delay is given in Greek (your kids can translate): Sony says it "hadn't yet been able to finalize the console's digital rights management technology, an important component of the device, which will read media and games stored on high-capacity Blu-ray optical discs."
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