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Juvenile comedies take a cartoonish look at the subject; the less real it is, the safer it is for both audiences and filmmakers who may squirm at the notion of being one woman sex confronted by their inadequacies in the bedroom. As Collin Souter so eloquently put it, “you sometimes have to confront the subject head on and draw the comedy from the cold, hard truths about sex.”Which is one woman sex exactly where Carell and Apatow go in their one woman sex film. Consider the scene in which Carell’s character, Andy Stitzer, is confronted with a potential first sexual encounter. Hoping not to reveal his sexual innocence to his girlfriend (Catherine Keener), he refrains from asking for help with putting on a condom. Another movie would have taken this moment and reduced it to a series of gags involving Andy getting “comically” injured. Sure, there is one gag in which Andy obviously hurts himself, but it’s not the cheap slapstick it could have been.