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8). However, it should be noted that studies of subsamples drawn from lengthy individual dream journals suggest that at least 75 to 100 dream reports are necessary to have a reasonably representative sample of a person's dream life (Domhoff, 1996, chap. 7; 1999). Fourth, the Most Recent Dream method makes it easy to determine whether dream content relates to other data collected in developmental studies of teenagers. Do high achievers, for example, tend to experience mike's apartment more success or initiate more aggressive interactions in their dreams? Do popular mike's apartment students have a higher F/C index and mike's apartment a higher befriender percent? Data to answer such questions could be gathered with one extra sheet of paper in a battery of tests and 15 to 30 minutes more testing time, depending on the age of the teenager. Conclusion This study shows that many different analyses of dream content during the teenage years are feasible using the Most Recent Dream Method. 'Me similarities of the findings to those for young teenagers in two longitudinal studies suggest that this method generates samples that are at least reasonably representative of dream life.