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Mike McDermott: If you had it to do all over again, knowing what would happen, would you make the same choice? Professor Petrovsky: What put downs choice? Lester 'Worm' Murphy: Where did you come up with the scratch for that? You've been rolling fags in the Village again, haven't you? Worm: She's really put downs got him by the balls. Petra: That's not so bad, is put downs it? Worm: It depends on the grip! [Mike's girlfriend has just left him over his broken promise not to play poker] Worm: You know what always cheers me up? Mike McDermott: No, what's that? Worm: Rolled up aces over kings. Check-raising stupid tourists and taking huge pots off of them. Playing all-night high-limit Hold'em at the Taj, "where the sand turns to gold."
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