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A pulsating lump of flesh dripping of infection and disease. He spreads his ridiculous claims like a virus over the air waves and the radio gay pictures waves infecting the minds of decent people everyday. Hes more volatile then A vat gay pictures of radioactive waste. He must be handled as such. we should send in a special forces group outfitted in rubber suits to incase him in an air tight gay pictures rectangular holding device and cast his pudgy carcass into the sun to be obliterated until nothing of him remains....what a wonderful allocation of NASA technology that would be. Id gladly fund that rather then funding a little robot to roll around on Mars surface and collect dirt. NAME: LT LOCATION: The Arsehole of the world. Satanic Affiliation: Beelzebub's drinking buddy As I lay down to masturbate I pray to Satan for a soul to take From an asshole I'd love to beat Make Pat Robertson bloody meat.
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