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Houston older women movies Ballet Foundation Houston, TX $30,000 To support the creation and presentation of a work choreographed by Julia older women movies Adam. The concept for the work will be a Jewish wedding, accompanied by klezmer music. Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Chicago, IL $30,000 To support the creation and presentation of dance works. Choreographers involved in the project include Christopher Bruce, Daniel Ezralow, Susan Marshall, Alex Ketley, Brian Enos, and artistic director Jim Vincent. Institute for Spanish Arts Santa Fe, NM $10,000 To support the creation and presentation older women movies of a new work. The work will be choreographed by Maria Benitez and Adela Clara, and feature the music of composer Luigi Boccherini. Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Inc. Lee, MA $70,000 To support residencies and performances of dance companies.
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