Contemporary Dance Theater, Inc. women's equality older women sex videos

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Contemporary Dance Theater, Inc. Cincinnati, OH $15,000 To support the presentation older women sex videos of dance companies. Artists will perform at the Jarson-Kaplan Theater and participate in a variety of community and audience development activities. Cross Performance, Inc. New York, NY $10,000 To support older women sex videos the production, residencies, rehearsals, premiere, and touring of The Geography Trilogy, Part 3: House. The work is older women sex videos directed and choreographed by Ralph Lemon and created in collaboration with an ensemble of multidisciplinary artists. Cunningham Dance Foundation, Inc. New York, NY $100,000 To support the creation and presentation of a dance film and the revivals of two works by Merce Cunningham. The film will be produced by Charles Atlas, and the works to be revived are Doubletoss (1993) and Ground Level Overlay (1995).
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