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He likes that. So stay inside, away from the singles brother and sister sex bars, and for brother and sister sex God's sake girls, wear baggy clothes. To send a message directly to psycho dave-- Press 8333. MIKE SCHWALEN He's skinny and weird-looking, and has a certain quirkiness to him that just makes you wanna punch him in the face. He hangs out with Kyle Nutting (Also on this brother and sister sex list) all the time. Apparently he doesn't feel that he looks tiny enough, therefore he goes and finds the biggest, fattest man on the face of God's green earth to hang out with. Mike was involved with a few pretty blonde girls here and there, but they all dumped him off when he started dressing up like super heroes (Batman mostly) and watching pro wrestling 24 hours a day. I'd also like to take this time to mention that I have slept with every woman he has ever dated.
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