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Because your comments were way off topic, I deleted them. It's true that some people feel our views are obscene, but that's a completely different story. Posted by: Ellen at September 27, 2005 03:34 PM They who pray the loudest on sunday, Bray the loudest on saturday night. some would say the neocon/extreme right has gone from fucking mules, to fucking society at large. not true! the elite columbine high school killings have been fucking the common man forever and religion has always blessed the union! Posted by: smeg at October 15, 2005 07:18 PM You guys are a bunch of faggits Posted columbine high school killings by: LOL at October 22, 2005 02:43 AM Neal Horsley is an interesting character. I remember his name from my days in graduate school at the U of GA, where he founded a campus political organization called the Pot People's Party in 1975. Never knew anything about his sex life, or wanted to. PPP was only interested in legalizing marijuana. What a strange turn of events. Poor bastard.
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