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I don't think it's right to generalize about any group of people. I live my life and pussy I'm happy with how I live and I don't try to force anyone else to live like me. And I certainly don't try to make them feel bad for not wanting to live like me. That's why we have free will. Also a lot of these so-called Christians aren't even Christians at all. How can you pussy tell? By how they treat other people. The Bible says you can recognize a real pussy Christian by how they love others. If they are hateful, pushy, and a bully and still claim to be a Christian then someone is lying and it isn't Jesus. Posted by: Tawny at May 18, 2005 02:28 PM If you "interpret" something with a intentionally deceptive spin, you're making it up. You dems are all for free-for-all sexuality, so what's the purpose in this if not to stir up controversy? Just like Mike Moore, your contribution here is nothing but deceptive trash talk.