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ROFLMAO! Thanx,guys, I really needed that. One last observation,if I may. Anyone besides me notice a strange silence from freeper free gay teen porn land? Again,you all were TOO funny. The minute I saw the title of the thread,I went, YEEHAAA! Knew it free gay teen porn was going to be fun! GOOD WEEKEND,all,peace Dnurse Posted by: Dnurse,pbD at May 7, 2005 06:40 AM Dnurse, friend, how can the likes of Freeperville free gay teen porn compete with legitimate humor? Teminally unamused little gits. What could they hope to say that wouldn't be lasered in an instant? I have never laughed at a thread as much as this one, thanks to all. Delicious in every respect. Cheers, Hounds! ET PbD Posted by: ET PbD at May 7, 2005 07:14 AM Now this Neal Horsley fella don't know what he's talking about. Everyone in Red America knows that the animal of choice if the pig. They are easier to hold onto and will even return you affection.
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