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In my observation, Republicans are vulnerable most of all to the bright light of publicity. I am willing to bet that you lack the courage to tell Cindy to her face, even cybernetically, what you think of her. cunt It's more difficult to kill a person's character, when you cunt have to look them in the eye. I think you just might be too good a person to do commit such acts openly, fortrightly, for God and all the world to see. We're all Helens now. :) by cunt cskendrick on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 10:32:12 PM PDT [ Parent ]  Like confronting Cindy with her own statements? (none / 0) "Cindy Sheehan as posted a series of diaries here. Have you perused any of them?" I dropped by her website ( and several other websites (  and thats how I got my opinion of Cindy.
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