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i mean shes get humpd n fuckd like crazy with each horse havin their full flared comics lenths in her... meaning like idunno lol 2-3 feet of pure thick cock."He stared at the limb cock as it pulled back inside the sheath. comics He sat on the grass for awhile as the stallion walked away. The cum was comics getting cold on his face and chest. He took his tshirt and wiped himself clean. Then smiled and looked at the horse as he walked away. He put on his clothes. efs4fun, se usa says: "Our fantasy is to find a lady with a nice size dog, become friends and lovers, watch her be tied and suck her clean while my hubby takes me. Then have them tie me down and let the dog have me as a reward. Oh goodness, I wish I had a girlfriend like that, any girls interested?"As he got home, he threw away the tshirt and went into the shower. He thought about what he just had done, and smiled.