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Pat Robertson. He is simply blind to abusive your ways, and through the rites of lust and decay may he find his way back under the shelter of your scrotum. Oh great abusive serpent, may your forked tongue forever toss his salad as he burns in the pit of iniquity. For this, I pray! Name: Damon Apelt Dear Satan, Please kill Pat Robertson. Your truly, Damon -p.s.- if you kill him I'll give you some cake Name: Greg E. I just wish all religious, hypocritical, morons would die and leave abusive everyone else alone. Name: Michael Ray oh cast out the light and unveil the dark wisdom that has evaded pat robertson since becoming a christian. Dark father approach him in dreams as a goat and fuck him senseless telling him the only way to even start negotiating is to retire from the pulpit and recognize eternal damnation as the one and true way stepping aside to let sodomy and grass smoke rule the land until the great goat comes back and does a victory gallop around the earth.