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Surely? Links for 2006-03-17 Posted March 17, 2006 12:17 AM. There are 0 comments. Heather Armstrong posts some SXSW cunt photos in which everyone is wasted First cunt time I've got to meet Heather and I had a great cunt time. Lots of good parties and mucking around and eating sea bugs and drinking too much. Her panel with Kottke was pretty fun too... There's an interesting petition on public geographic data in Europe that I think most of you should sign Free access to geographic data that the tax-payer has already subsidised heavily would create an amazing amount of creativity, and social and economic value. Web of data benefits from it muchly. Obey! Los Angeles is a pretty weird town... Posted March 16, 2006 06:04 AM. There are 4 comments. I think the most troubling bit is the doors into the abdomen - behind which presumably lurk massive pulsing internal organs. Anyway, just arrived, have got computer access again and am now planning to digest the last couple of weeks pretty thoroughly with Mr Biddulph.