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Little Johnny Jokes Page: fisting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A police officer had a perfect hiding place for catching fisting speeders. But one day, everyone was under the speed limit. The officer found the problem: a 10 year old fisting boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand-painted sign which said: "RADAR TRAP AHEAD" A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy's accomplice... Little Johnny, about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading: "TIPS" and a bucket at his feet... full of change. Little Johnny comes in to school one morning wearing a brand new watch. Obviously his best friend little Benny wants to know where the watch is from, so Johnny tells his story: "I was coming from the bathroom to my bedroom when I heard a strange noise from my parents bedroom. I walked in and saw the bouncing up and down. Dad said I could have anything I wanted as long as I didn't tell the family.