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It's time for your cookie." "I don't fucking want one!" stated Little Johnny again. The teacher pulled aside the curtain and said to his mother, "See? Did you hear what he said?" "So? Don't fucking give him one!" said Little Johnny's mother. One day, Little Johnny wanders into the local brothel, dragging a dead frog on a piece of beastiality sex. string along behind him (thud, thud, thud). He goes up to the woman at the front and says "Please, Miss, I'd like a girl please." "Go beastiality sex. home, sonny" replies the proprietor, beastiality sex. not unkindly, "you're too young yet for this." Johnny reaches into his pocket and drags out a £50 note which he slaps on the desk and beams brightly. "Up the stairs, 3rd door on the right" comes the reply as the £50 vanishes. Johnny starts to climb the stairs, (thud, thud, thud) when he runs back again. "I forgot, this girl has got to have active herpes!"