Stupid me.  So he quotations porn

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Stupid me.  So he lived out of his car for several days until he was able to show us the proof and he moved back in.  He proceeded to spend the next month “acting” like he was looking for a job, but I finally had proof that he wasn’t and that he porn was going over to his 16 year old GF’s house (while her daddy was at work) and spending the day there.  Then he would leave shortly porn before her daddy got home and show up at my house around four thirty, porn wait a little bit and then drive back over to her house after her daddy got home.  Monday through Friday, without fail.  It really wasn’t hard to know what he was up to because his little GF kept her weblog updated with all the details that I needed. That and I am not a fucking moron.  Kids act like we are retarded and can’t figure out what they are doing.  They actually think we believe the bullshit they feed us.  Dumbasses!    I told his dad what he was doing and that he had not been out looking for a job and we confronted the boy with what we knew and he admitted to it. 
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