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"The thing that really strikes me about Harris and Klebold," Battan said, "is that sometimes, in the different evidence that we've found, they're so childlike and immature -- which is a teenager -- and other times they're almost perfect adult-like, which is also a teenager. Sometimes they want to be adult-like and say, 'It's because we're above all you people,' and other perfect times it's 'You shouldn't have picked on me.' Those are the writings and talkings of kids that are trying to become adults. And they're not being very successful at it." Next perfect page | Don't blame the school Salon | Search | Archives | Contact Us | Table Talk | Ad Info Arts & Entertainment | Books | Comics | Life | News | People Politics | Sex | Tech & Business | Audio The Free Software Project | The Movie Page Letters | Columnists | Salon Plus Copyright © 2000 Salon.com