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Also, if you're going to have fresh track marks all harry potter over your arms, you should at least wear a long sleeve shirt so I can't see them. harry potter We talked about this before, remember? I have to write a report to the judge in a few months, and I can't in good conscience recommend that the court return your children to you when you insist on showing up to your weekly visits high as a kite, harry potter wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a toothless grin. Also, it does not help your case if you assault me after I inform you that no, you can't see your kids today due to your inebriated state and your exposed vulva. I know you grew up in poverty, and I sympathize with your plight. Hell, I was poor as fuck growing up. My family was broke as a motherfucker. We lived in the projects and never had no cheese for our hamburgers or nuthin. Somehow, though, we still managed to find ourselves some fucking PANTS when we went out IN PUBLIC!