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(Cue: comical trombone.) And so begins Steve, Don't Eat It - Vol. 9. Someone recently told me they don't eat peanut butter because the FDA permits it to legally contain a certain amount of insect parts. This person might not want to freeincest porn stories buy a can of freeincest porn stories Silkworm Pupas. The amount of bugs in here is downright wacky. The writing on the can is all in Korean. It just so happens freeincest porn stories that I have a Korean aunt who was happy to provide a translation. The big red letters say "Bun Dae Ki" or "Silkworm Snacks." Apparently "Snacks" is a very powerful word. It's all you need to transform any putrid item into a fun new treat. The next time you see some kid go two knuckles deep in his nose and then consume the treasures within, don't be grossed out. He's just enjoying some Booger Snacks! I won't bore you with every word on the can, but I'll hit the highlights...
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