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beck, father, throat, prime, barbed quotes, incestgrrl, teens, latinas, insest, punk, film reviews, xxx, urban, These bloggers and their out of control egos. Scoble and McAnus should get phish together and start a blog consortium that can tackle the big issues, like WikiPedos defacing WikiPedia and GFY posting libel and slander. *I’m sure someone (namely Mr. Hahaha) will point out phish that phish apparently I care enough to post about it. This is wrong; I don’t actually give a shit, but I am contractually obligated to deliver a certain number of BLOGOPOSTS per week, and was falling behind. [edit] Thank you for eating my <br/> tags, wordpress. I was just kidding when I typed them in. This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 at 6:13:33 pmand is filed under Insightful, Scrotalizer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 15 Responses to “Scthoble whips out his e-penis and puts the smack down” paul haine Says: December 14th, 2005 at 6:28:13 pm e I’d love to live in a world where ’slave’ just meant ‘having to read things on a website
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You’re asking me to send people to xxx your Web site, but you treat me like a slave? Got it. xxx Unsubscribed! No link for you. You just lost my 18 readers. Er, NewsGator says I have 18,000 subscribers. None of xxx them for you. I’m not going to be your slave today. No sirreeeeeeeee. I guess he’s under the impresison that he is special because he has 18,000 “readers” or something. Does this confer some sort of super power? Does he get paid per reader? What the fuck, I don’t get you people. I did enjoy the first comment on that post, a short and sweet “Who cares?”* This post kind of struck me as a “WELL FUCK YOU, I’LL JUST TAKE MY LEGOS AND GO HOME I DON’T NEED TO BE YOUR FRIEND” sort of thing, which is apparently common in the BLOGOWEB (McAnus, etc).
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